metting_france_2015_1A meeting was convened on Saturday, February 21, 2015 at the African Interprovincial Novitiate (in Agoè-Nyivé – Togo) for the Brothers of the French Province and the African Province of St Augustine and the African Vice-Province of St Richard Pampuri. The meeting was attended by:

Representing the French Province

  • Bro. Alain Samuel, Provincial Superior
  • Bro. Paul-Marie, Councillor and Provincial Secretary
  • Bro. Bernard, Master of Novices (Madagascar)

Representing the African Provinces of St Augustine

  • Bro. Bartholomey, Provincial Superior
  • Bro. Etienne, Provincial Council and Master of Novices (Lomé)
  • Bro. Jesus, Prior of the novitiate formation community (Lomé)
  • Bro. Paulinus, Provincial Secretary

Representing the Vice Province of St Richard Pampuri

  • Bro. Boniface, Vice-Provincial Superior
  • Bro. Nicolas, Vice-Provincial Councillor with the responsibility for the Africa Subcommission on Formation and Vocations Promotion/Pastoral Care
  • Bro. Emmanuel, Vice-Provincial Councillor and Member of the Novitiate Formation Team (Lomé)
  • Bro. Rodrigue, Vice-Provincial Secretary

The main agenda items transacted at the meeting were: Initial Formation, and more specifically the plan for the formation of novices from Madagascar at the African Interprovincial Novitiate, the Continuing Formation of the Brothers and Co-workers, and the missions.

The meeting was also an opportunity for these three entities to renew the ancient bonds of cooperation and fraternity that have always existed between Africa and France.
At the end of the meeting the Brothers from the French Province left the novitiate to pay a fraternal visit to the houses in the Vice Province of St Richard Pampuri in Benin and Togo, at Afagnan, Tanguiéta, Porga and Cotonou.



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