On the 1st of August in the year of our Lord 2020, the day in which our holy mother Church celebrated one of its great Saints ; Alphonse of Ligouri, the Hospitaller Order of the Brothers of St. John of God as a whole and particularly, the St. Augustine province of Africa, was glad to have received the Solemn Profession of Rev. Br. Victor Kargbo, Seirra Leonean by nationality, presently in the Community of St. Jean Grand, Dalal Xel Thies-Senegal.
The celebration took place at « Paroisse Marie Auxillatrice de Medina Fall, Thies-Senegal » with Holy Mass that started at about 10:15 am. It was presided by the Bishop of the Diocesse of Thies, His Lordship André Gueye. Rev. Br. Etienne Sène, first provincial councillor in charge of formation, delegate of the Provincial Superior received the Vows of Br. Victor Kargbo. Rev. Brothers Ambrose Dery and Leopold Ngor Faye served as witnesses. Priests, Religious from other institutes, the Brothers of St. John of God in Senegal, parishionners of « Paroisse Marie Auxillatrice de Medina Fall, Co-workers, friends and many others were in attendance.
In his brief, but precise homily drawn from the readings proper for the celebration ; (1S 3:1-10 ; Luke 10 : 25-37), the Bishop invites and challenges Br. Victor Kargbo to constanly listen and discern the Will of God in his life and to follow the example of the Good Samaritan.
After the Profession, all were invited to the reception which took place at the Ergotherapie hall in the heart of « Centre de Santé Mentale, Dalal Xel, Thies ». There was a lot of eating, drinking, traditional dancing called « Nguele », photos shots, and a lot more of merry making.
By: Rev. Bro Terrence Tita