St. John of God DALAL-XEL - FATICK
General Secretariat Code: 432 Diocese: Dakar Founded: 2001 Canonical erection: 28-09-2004 Erection document: D.G. 319/04 Description: Mental Health Center C1 Ownership: The Order Prior: Br. Cyrille Bum MBOMA Director: Br. Francois FAYE Address: Centre de Santé Mentale “Dalal-Xel” FATICK Frères de St. Jean de Dieu. National 1 Dakar – Kaolack FATICK – Senegal Telephone: (00221) 775027920 (Mobile Director) E-mail: farafaye@hotmail.com (Director) dalalxelfk@yahoo.fr Website: www.dalalxelsn.com