Bro. Abraham Adavon

abraham.pngI was born into a pagan family and was the first child to attend a Catholic call run by the Combonian Missionaries in my village. With compulsory catechesis in the morning I was baptised and made my first Communion halfway through primary school and was confirmed one year later. I became an altar server and assistant catechist in my village and I also belonged to the vocations group. We talked, held meetings and shared on the second Saturday of every month in which the Institutes and Congregations explained their charism and mission following Christ and the Church. It was through Brother Timothée AHUKOU, who attended every monthly meeting of the parish, that I always able to discover the life of Saint John of God. He invited everyone wishing to become more familiar with St John of God to attend private meetings in the Hospital at Afagnan with the chaplain at the time.

His remorse for his sins, his sacrifice and his love for his neighbour which he showed by serving others in the simplest things, his devotion to saving souls and his devotion to the Church were irresistible to me. In 2003, Brother Nicolas N’SALE sent me, as an aspirant, to experience contact with the sick, who are the “masters” of St John of God, and to see the services provided by the Brothers to the sick all day long, sharing their community life and prayer life with them, and witnessing the joy of consecrating their lives to serve their fellow human beings. I greatly admired the commitment shown by the Brothers in times of difficulty and joy, and this was a great source of motivation to me. After my baccalaureate in 2008 and following a number of experiences in the Tanguiéta community I was admitted to the Postulancy in 2010, where I stayed for two years, followed by a another two in the Novitiate. I took my temporary vows on May 1, 2014 , and I prayed with St Ignatius of Loyola, “God, I do not expect to go far on my own, but with You everything is possible”. Everything is a grace. May my heart be the cradle that Our Lady will always choose for her newborn son.