Bro. Andrew Vitumbiko

1andrewHospitality has been a journey for me since my first encounter with the family of St John of God. I first met the brothers in 2005 in Malawi through a friend who had asked me to accompany him to visit his brother who was hospitalised in the House of Hospitality, a psychiatric centre in Malawi. When we arrived I came across Br John Bangsi, who was doing his daily work. Having chatted with him at length I became interested to experience brotherhood in the family of St John of God.

We exchanged addresses and after 6 months of communication and friendship, I was invited for a come and see program. I continued with postulancy and later was admitted to the novitiate.  I took my first vows in 2009.

For me hospitality is sharing and being available for one another, especially the sick and the needy. Am happy to be part of such a wonderful family. With the help of God and St John God, we move forward in helping the sick and needy.