I am Fidèle Sanhongou, born on April 24th 1991 at Tchanhoun Cossi in BENIN, into a polygamous family with three wives and 14 children, six children with the first wife, four with the third, and four with the second. My family comprised two elder daughters, my younger brother and me, as my mother’s third child. I began school in 1996 and passed my baccalaureate in 2010. But in 2007 I felt called to the priesthood, but my parents were against it. In 2008 the leader of our vocations group introduced me to two communities: the “Frères de la petite famille”, a teaching Institute, and the Brothers of Saint John of God. My first experience was with Brother Nicolas, the postulants’ master. I fell in love with the Order and this community from the moment they took me in. Initially I found it difficult to cope with sick people and death, and my parents continued to oppose my decision. I sometimes had doubts myself about my choice. After the baccalaureate, and following the advice given me, I decided to experience life with the Brothers. After that experience I decided to stay on, and continue with them. I believe that this is the right path for me because I have always prayed that our Lord will reveal and show me the path that I must take leading to Him, and I believe that without Him I can do nothing.