Bro. Joseph Yokoumbedi

josephI first met Brother Ignace Nabédé at Kara in 2008 and 2009 while he was studying at the Bishop’s house. I was an undergraduate at Kara at the time. He spoke to me about St John of God and he gave me the telephone number of Brother Jean de Dieu Agba, the master of postulants. Several days later we were already in contact, and that gave me my first experience, and my second experience following his invitation to go to Tanguiéta in Benin. After a period of six months I returned to begin my pre-Postulancy formation in 2010-2012. I then returned to the novitiate in 2013 and under the guidance of Brother Etienne Sene in 2012-2014, I made my first temporary profession. Today I can truly say that God is great. Since formation is a continuing process, I am presently here at the Scholasticate in Nairobi, Kenya.