Bro. Justine Sengeh

justineVocation is a call of God for a particular mission. Starting with my Christian call, I Justine Sengeh was baptized an infant. I came to understand what it means to be baptized when I was preparing for confirmation.

I felt been called as a religious when I completed secondary school in 2010, the time I was visiting an aspirant to the brothers who was a friend from childhood. I saw how the brothers were taking care of the suffering and the sick and I was really touched by their way of treating them. I started asking myself many questions. I had the desire to serve the lord in a specially way but not as a religious or a priest but to be someone else in life. So from that time I started questioning myself on what I wanted to be. I told myself I can do the same for God. I started asking questions about St John of God and the brothers. I said a short prayer to God; that He enlightens me. I wrote an application to do a come and see program for two weeks. After that I asked to continue the formation. So I was sent to Benin for postulancy and then to the novitiate where I made my first vows after completing the two years formation.

From the day I joined the brothers, going through all the different formation stages, I have loved the way of living. Our community life in which we show our fraternity, our spiritual life; it is in prayer that we get our force to care for the poor, the sick and the needy in whom we see our Lord Jesus Christ, we also take very serious our consecration (vows).

I therefore ask the blessed Lord to always give me the necessary strength and grace to continue to answer to His call every day in love, to serve the Lord in the poor, the sick and the needy in the style of Saint John of God.