Bro. Severin Agossou
I am Brother Séverin AGOSSOU, born on November 27, 1972 at Djougou (Republic of Benin). I attended school for the first three years, and then I learnt welding. I entered the monastery at Kokoubou (Benin) in 1995, and took my temporary vows for three years on August 15, 1999. In 1996 I suffered from underfoot… Read more “Bro. Severin Agossou”
Bro. Jesus A. Labarta
At a decisive moment in my life I experienced the presence of our Lord, manifested in the form of “compassion”. It was a source of healing, it was the path that I had to tread. It was an experience and a realisation that has stayed like a memorial throughout my life, urging me on to… Read more “Bro. Jesus A. Labarta”
Bro. Gregorio Martín Camuñas
I spent 44 years in Africa; in Sierra Leone, Senegal, Cameroon and Ghana. I am eternally grateful to the Lord for having given me a Hospitaller and Missionary vocation with Saint John of God. I feel this is the greatest gift I have received from Jesus Christ, since he was the first Missionary. I was… Read more “Bro. Gregorio Martín Camuñas”
Bro. Philippe Patayodi
No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.’ Giving one’s life; that is what I felt called to do, to give my life to the poorest of the poor, the sick and the needy. My life in the Hospitaller Community in the pursuit of this common cause was,… Read more “Bro. Philippe Patayodi”
Bro. Peter Mkandawire
As Hospitaller brothers we are called by Christ to make an offering of our lives, all vocations Called by Christ to make an offering of our lives, all vocations require the total gift of self for another. The “community life” within the human family has many expressions. Together with the people that God has placed… Read more “Bro. Peter Mkandawire”